School Energy Consumption Calculator

Calculate your K-12 school’s energy benchmark and compare it to the provincial average with Rede’s free school energy consumption calculator. K-12 facilities that have a higher energy benchmark are excellent candidates for energy management and recommissioning programs. Find out how much energy and utility costs your schools can save.


How much can your schools save?

To compare your facility’s benchmark with the provincial average, select your province and we will email you the results in a school energy consumption report.


Using BEPI and BECI to calculate potential savings

Two common energy benchmark values are the Building Energy Performance Index (BEPI) and the Building Energy Cost Index (BECI). These values calculate the energy consumption (for BEPI) and energy costs (for BECI) in relation to the size of the facility. The results are standardized values that can be used to compare different facilities.

Comparing your K-12 school with the Canadian provincial average is an indication of your facility’s energy performance. When there is a gap between your facility’s benchmark and the provincial average, there is more potential to save energy and money.

The school energy consumption report includes the potential for energy and cost savings. Potential savings are determined from the difference between your school’s benchmark and the provincial benchmark in relation to the size of your facility.

The provincial benchmarks for BEPI and BECI are from the Comprehensive Energy Use Database from Natural Resources Canada (2016). Benchmarks for British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are derived from secondary energy usage data for educational services.


How to achieve energy and cost savings

1. Identify facilities that are excellent candidates to save energy and money

Facilities with a large difference between their benchmarks and the provincial averages are excellent candidates to reduce energy consumption and utility costs.

2. Begin a school energy management program

Every facility is different; they all have different infrastructure, processes and quirks. A standardized approach to energy management can identify opportunities and implement solutions to improve energy efficiency. Here are the common areas of improvement that we find in Canadian K-12 schools.

3. Implement, monitor, report – and repeat

The goal of an energy management program is to continuously find ways to reduce energy consumption in schools while maintaining comfort and safety – through comprehensive energy management programs and school facility recommissioning. This ongoing process is a big step in matching your facility’s energy and cost benchmarks with the provincial averages – and go beyond.

Custom and creative solutions for you

Book a call to discuss the best solutions to reduce costs, meet your budgets, and save money and energy.